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We produce medical devices with conformity and CE declarations registered with the Italian Ministry of Health always updated with the current regulations.
Quality guaranteed UNI ISO 13485:2016
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Gentile Utente,
tutti i contenuti del sito Dental Market srl, relativi a dispositivi medici, medico-diagnostici in vitro e presidi medico-chirurgici, quali testi, immagini, foto, filmati, animazioni, disegni, allegati e quant’altro, non hanno carattere di natura pubblicitaria.
Tutti i contenuti devono intendersi e sono di natura informativa, rivolta esclusivamente ad operatori professionali.
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Dear User,
all the contents relating to medical devices, in the Dental Market web-site – as texts, images, photos, movie, drawings, enclosed and everything else – they are not for commercial purposes.
All the subjects are referred to professional operators.
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