
Saliva Ejectors Pluss®

The first uncontaminated disposable saliva ejector.


Why do you need to choose our disposable saliva ejectors?

• They are totally Made in Italy, produced in our facilities in Tuscany
• They are certified in Class IIa and they are produced according to all requisites of law
• They are perfectly round
• After bending they keep the desired shape
• We use high quality raw materials, totally non-toxic


Our tip is fastened to the ejector without using glue or other toxic substances

Our patented system eliminates any traces of glue or dangerous substances from the saliva ejectors through high-performance and safe production and clamping systems.

Non-toxic Fused-in Wire

The only glue-free wire.

Our metal wire is fused into the ejector during the plastic extrusion process, thus ensuring the highest tube flexibility without risking it slacking.

3d Secure Caps Lock


Our secure locked tip

The tip is mechanically attached to the ejector through the perfect interlocking of hooks integrated into the tip mould.

Non-toxic Fused-in Wire

The only glue-free wire

Our metal wire is fused into the ejector during the plastic extrusion process, thus ensuring the highest tube flexibility without risking it slacking.

Patented quality

Continuous studies and improvements brought us to the application of 3 patents on our disposable saliva ejectors Pluss


First Patent

The copper-coated wire inside the tube is stopped without any glue, which is normally used by the other manufacturers: the wire is integrated into the plastic during the manufacturing process. It achieves a unique and completely non-toxic product. Moreover, this method ensures that the wire doesn’t come out during the bending of the tube.


Second Patent

The bag of 100 pieces is externally wrapped by a safety seal, as a guarantee of quality. For the sale to dentists it is an additional subject compared to the competition, because with the application of the safety seal we guarantee to our customers that we made all quality checks during production process. Moreover, it represents for dealers a considerable savings in transport costs: the carton box with new packaging – safety seal is smaller than the carton box with standard packaging. 1 pallet 120×80 can be fit with about 50% more of goods, without any damage of the cartons on the first layers, with an obvious saving on transport costs.


Thirs Patent

Each piece is passed through a decontamination machine, during the production process, to offer to our customers saliva ejectors which has been sanitised, first of similar product with this peculiarity on the global market.

Need more info?

Made in Tuscany with care

high-quality LDPE granules

LDPE ejector extrusion with metal wire

tube + tip assembly

patented decontaminated
space-saving packaging

More Info

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Dental Market s.r.l. – P.I. 01261230468 Numero REA LU – 129350 – Capitale sociale in Euro: 52.000,00


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